El poder transformativo de transferir sus llamadas a LARA
El Centro Cardiovascular de Puerto Rico y del Caribe es la única institución especializada en tratar condiciones cardiovasculares. Este centro es reconocido por la calidad de servicio, su dedicación y esmero en el cuidado de los pacientes. El equipo del Centro de Imágenes estaba en búsqueda de herramientas para aumentar su accesibilidad a los pacientes y reducir las llamadas perdidas.
"Gracias a BrainHi, hemos podido atender eficientemente la alta demanda de llamadas en nuestro centro. Antes, hubiéramos necesitado un call center de 20 personas para cumplir con las necesidades de todos nuestros pacientes durante los horarios pico. Con BrainHi, hemos logrado atender este reto y aumentar la productividad de nuestro equipo."
Lcda. Lilliam Medina
Gerente del Centro Cardiovascular de Puerto Rico y del Caribe
“Tenemos un personal dedicado a BrainHi y otro de backup, sin embargo, todos en la oficina conocen la utilización de la plataforma.”
“El equipo también responde llamadas; sin embargo, la prioridad está en atender y cerrar conversaciones en BrainHi, ya que es más eficiente y el tiempo de espera es menor al que tienen mediante una llamada.”
"A través de un simple mensaje, el paciente puede gestionar todo tipo de procedimiento, sin necesidad de llegar en persona al centro médico. De esta forma, evita gastos de traslados y largos viajes para coordinar su cita".
Reducción de quejas de pacientes
89% Adopción del paciente
334 Citas rescatadas por mes
Si su institución de salud busca mejorar la gestión de tareas, la comunicación y la atención al paciente a través de llamada o mensajes de texto, BrainHi es la solución ideal. Contacte a nuestro equipo hoy mismo y descubra cómo podemos ayudarle a transformar su institución:
En el mundo dinámico de la atención médica, la comunicación fluida y eficiente entre equipos es crucial para brindar un servicio excepcional a los pacientes. BrainHi, una plataforma innovadora de gestión de tareas, está revolucionando la forma en que las organizaciones interactúan, optimizando los procesos y mejorando significativamente los resultados.
Optimizando la Atención al Paciente
El portal de tareas de BrainHi centraliza la gestión de responsabilidades, permitiendo la creación, asignación y seguimiento de tareas entre diversos equipos. Esto elimina la necesidad de transferir llamadas y la repetición innecesaria de información, garantizando un traspaso de contexto eficaz y una atención al paciente más rápida y precisa.
Una Herramienta Versátil y Fácil de Usar
BrainHi no solo facilita la comunicación interna, sino que también sirve como una herramienta invaluable para documentar tareas pendientes con pacientes, como aprobaciones, referidos, seguimientos y cuentas por cobrar. Su interfaz intuitiva y sencilla la hace accesible para todos los miembros del equipo, independientemente de su nivel de experiencia técnica.
Un Caso de Éxito: Hatimedik
Kitzi Díaz Ríos, Coordinadora del Call Center en Hatimedik, ha sido testigo de primera mano del impacto positivo de BrainHi en su organización. "Nuestra meta es resolverle al paciente lo antes posible", afirma. "El que mi equipo cree las Tareas en BrainHi me ayuda a monitorear las métricas de atención al paciente. Me ha facilitado ver por día cuántas de nuestras oficinas tienen tareas sin resolver, eso me ayuda todo el tiempo."
Resultados Tangibles
La implementación de BrainHi en Hatimedik ha dado como resultado:
Más de 11.250 tareas creadas
Más de 14.970 pacientes asistidos
Más de 25 equipos colaborando
Un Call Center potenciado
Consolidación de herramientas en una sola plataforma
Impulso de la productividad y la colaboración
BrainHi: La Solución para una Comunicación Eficiente
BrainHi se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para Hatimedik, optimizando la comunicación interna, mejorando la atención al paciente y aumentando la productividad general. Su facilidad de uso, versatilidad y efectividad la convierten en una solución ideal para organizaciones de atención médica que buscan transformar su forma de trabajar.
¿Listo para transformar la comunicación en tu organización? Visita https://brainhi.com/es/ y descubre cómo BrainHi puede ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito.
Biologiqué, una clínica reconocida por su enfoque en la salud integral, enfrentaba un desafío común: la organización y el seguimiento de las tareas pendientes de los pacientes. Post-its dispersos por la oficina y la falta de un sistema centralizado generaban desorganización, retrasos y duplicación de esfuerzos.
La solución: BrainHi Tareas
La implementación de BrainHi Tareas transformó la dinámica de Biologiqué. Esta herramienta intuitiva les permitió:
Centralizar la documentación: Toda la información relacionada con las tareas de los pacientes se encuentra en un solo lugar, accesible para todo el equipo.
Mejorar la gestión y el control de los procesos: Las tareas se asignan, organizan y priorizan de manera eficiente, garantizando un seguimiento puntual y evitando la pérdida de información.
Propulsionar la comunicación y la organización del equipo: La comunicación interna se fluidifica, facilitando la colaboración y la resolución rápida de problemas.
Reducir el tiempo de respuesta al paciente: La agilidad en la gestión de tareas permite atender las necesidades de los pacientes de manera oportuna y eficaz.
Los resultados hablan por sí solos:
Más de 370 tareas completadas en tiempo récord.
Un tiempo de respuesta al paciente de menos de una hora.
Una mejor organización y comunicación en todo el equipo.
Dr. José Negrón Pérez, Fundador de Biologiqué:
"Es un éxito, ahora tenemos una forma bien organizada y en un solo lugar, de poder darle seguimiento a las necesidades que quedan pendientes de los pacientes. Es también, un elemento de supervisión, el poder monitorear en todo momento cuán ágiles estamos siendo en la rapidez de responderle al paciente."
Carmen Morales, Administradora de Biologiqué:
"En lugar de pegar post-its por la oficina, que todos se riegan y se pierden, pues Tareas es como mi post-it, pero en computadora. Así me ayuda a tener visión de todo lo que se está trabajando y no duplicamos esfuerzos."
BrainHi Tareas: La clave para una atención médica eficiente y organizada
Si tu clínica busca mejorar la gestión de tareas, la comunicación y la atención al paciente, BrainHi Tareas es la solución ideal. Contacta a nuestro equipo hoy mismo y descubre cómo podemos ayudarte a transformar tu clínica.
Since 2018, Dr. Rivera has fully trusted BrainHi’s platform to service all of her patients. BrainHi’s virtual assistant is the only one in charge of answering and rescuing missed phone calls in her dental office. In 2020 alone, BrainHi has answered around 5,000 phone calls, and has confirmed 1,500 patient appointments for her practice, The Dental Gallery. “I don’t have any front desk personnel so BrainHi is now in charge of all front desk operations. Before BrainHi, we couldn’t keep up with our phone. Now, I can take back the time I used to spend on phone calls to complete other tasks and focus on my patients. Patients also tend to call and ask frequently asked questions, which BrainHi’s bot can now answer.”explains Dr. Elisa Rivera.
Dr. Rivera’s dental office also takes advantage of BrainHi’s integration with Open Dental, a leading dental practice management solution. Having BrainHi’s additional support has simplified her daily tasks. “By having BrainHi integrated with Open Dental, the BrainHi bot can automatically schedule patient appointments directly on my Open Dental calendar.”
BrainHi, a virtual assistant that offers efficiency and trust.
Now, BrainHi has become a permanent tool in Dr. Rivera’s dental practice. Dr. Rivera shared her satisfaction with the Open Dental integration and the support provided by BrainHi’s virtual assistant platform, specifically in the recovery of missed calls: “I don’t think I would be able to live without BrainHi. It is just like having another employee in the office I can trust. Thanks to BrainHi, we have a very low appointment cancellation rate and are able to save hours of time everyday,” confirms Dr. Rivera.
Dr. Rivera, passionate about technology and focused on delivering high-quality services to each of her patients, recommends BrainHi to any dental office that is facing problems with a high volume of missed calls or that simply wishes to simplify and speed up their administrative tasks. “There are other systems that offer similar services but none is as complete as BrainHi,” concludes Dr. Rivera.
Without a doubt, COVID-19 has been a historical event that has transformed the way of life for each one of us while additionally prompting a global economic emergency, forcing many companies to reinvent themselves to be able to keep their heads above water. Restaurants and food establishments have not been an exception as they have had to maneuver new security protocols and government ordinances. Such is the case of Jorge Bonnet, owner of the renowned gourmet food stores, La Hacienda Foods, which has six locations in Puerto Rico. Jorge Bonnet opted for BrainHi’s technology in order to overcome the limitations caused by COVID-19 and continue operating.
The initial plan Bonet made during the lockdown consisted of closing the stores and only offering and selling his products by phone for pick-up and delivery. “We expanded the phone system in all of our stores thinking that we were ready to handle the volume of calls and serve all customers, but it turns out we weren’t.” The result: an absurd number of calls and customers upset about long wait times and a persistent busy tone over the phone.
In the search for new options, La Hacienda discovers BrainHi
The new limitations prompted Jorge Bonet and his team to explore new solutions for their missed call problem. It was then that his IT consultant told him about the functionalities of BrainHi, and Jorge, without knowing anything about the platform and in the midst of a crisis, chose to learn more about the tool that specializes in rescuing missed calls and sending automated text messages. “Five minutes into the demo I was already convinced that BrainHi would solve the problem of our high call volume. Now we can filter and answer all calls without the need for a call center or someone physically answering them,” he stated. With the implementation of BrainHi, La Hacienda stores are now able to collect information on all incoming calls, rescue missed calls, send messages to clients, and maintain proper communication with all clients. “Now I am much calmer and happier because I know that the client is taken care of. This change assured and calmed our clientele a ton. They knew they would be taken care of. The improved relationship with our clients was one of the most important results we saw right away.”
Jorge Bonet was able to understand and assess the magnitude of his problem thanks to BrainHi.
Why BrainHi and not an answering service
“The answering service we initially looked into works by the minute and needed an estimate of call volume to be able to adapt the call center to our phone lines. They also needed information for every possible scenario they may encounter on calls.” At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jorge had chosen to open a spreadsheet for people to place their orders, but in just one week around 15,000 people signed up and it was impossible for La Hacienda to meet the demand through the answering service. As soon as the team implemented BrainHi, the platform rescued and messaged over 600 missed calls, the vast majority of which were orders and requests from customers.
“Any business with a high volume of customers that needs better control over business operations should use BrainHi in order to comply with new guidelines while in the pandemic. The opportunities are endless.”
How BrainHi helped improve the sustainability of the business
Bonet says that choosing to integrate BrainHi into its operations was an excellent decision and presented an opportunity in the face of a crisis. “All businesses were in adaptation mode at the beginning of the pandemic. BrainHi quickly addressed the needs of our business and delivered a perfect solution right on time. We were able to easily manage the tool, and it opened up new possibilities for us in our businesses. BrainHi was the only tool to address all of our business concerns at once. Thanks to BrainHi, we tripled our sales in the midst of a pandemic!”
Without a doubt, BrainHi is a tool that adapts to any type of business facing a high volume of missed calls, among other services. At La Hacienda, after the implementation of the platform, the team was able to better organize its calendars and administrative operations.
The importance of good customer service
After the implementation of BrainHi, La Hacienda has shown a notable improvement in customer service. The leadership team now has peace of mind because customers are attended to at all times. Customers always receive notifications via text messages with instructions and clear information on how to easily place their orders. In the long term, Jorge Bonet projects improvements in customer service through BrainHi: “The vast majority of calls (approximately 80%) are to ask frequently asked questions - schedules, locations, daily menu, and more information about our pick-up and delivery services. Now we can send all of this information to the customer via automated text messages. The system answers them by itself.”
Further, Jorge shares that he is impressed by how quickly and easily customers have adapted to the automated system: “Now our phone barely rings. Emails have decreased because frequently asked questions are answered via text message, and we don’t need someone handling the calls.”
The experience and added value of BrainHi
Currently, La Hacienda uses BrainHi to manage high call volumes, rescue missed calls , answer frequently asked questions via text messages, organize administrative tasks, manage calendars and employee shifts, and strengthen customer communications.
Jorge comments how BrainHi has greatly helped the business in a very difficult time. He can forget about the phones and focus instead on customer service in the store.
Dr. Rafael Rodriguez’ decision to implement BrainHi in his medical practice came after a growing struggle to improve the patient experience in his office while being unable to answer every incoming call: “With our original phone setup, callers faced a wait time in between each call that could last up to two minutes, and that was too long. We noticed that many people would hang up the phone. As a member of the Gastroenterology Cooperative, I heard colleagues mention BrainHi as a possible solution. Upon review of BrainHi, we were able to see all of the data confirming how many calls we were missing, and we were both surprised and alarmed.” After that realization, Dr. Rodriguez made the decision to implement BrainHi with the goal of recovering those missed calls and accessing them afterwards over time. According to Dr. Rodriguez, it was BrainHi’s data insights into his office’s call volume that encouraged him to opt for the automated platform.
BrainHi is the essential facilitator in communication between us and our new and existing patients. Right now, we don’t have any reason to stop using BrainHi. Each staff member has found a way to make BrainHi crucial for their specific needs in the office.
Adapting to change thanks to BrainHi
After the new security protocols due to COVID-19, Dr. Rodriguez’ office had to adapt and improve internal operations. Before working with BrainHi, a nurse would have to leave the office and go down multiple flights of stairs to retrieve each of their patients for their appointments. Now, Dr. Rodriguez’ team sends an identification code through BrainHi’s text messaging platform to each patient so they can identify themselves to the security personnel at the entrance of the medical building. “This reduces the need for multiple check-in phone calls with the patient and also reduces the time our staff spends looking for patients outside. The guards recognize our patients right away because of these codes and help us maintain a steady flow of appointments. The patients are also very happy because we’re following up with them right after they come to the office without the need to call them. We use text messages a lot since everyone has a cell phone,” Dr. Rodriguez says.
One essential platform for the entire team
Dr. Rodriguez and his team consider BrainHi essential to their daily administrative tasks. From the recovery of missed calls, appointment confirmation and patient follow-ups, to access into the office. “Right now, we don’t have any reason to stop using BrainHi. Each staff member has found a way to make BrainHi crucial for their specific needs in the office. BrainHi is the essential facilitator in our communication with new and existing patients. We serve each one of them without interrupting our other daily responsibilities,” concludes Dr. Rodriguez, a BrainHi client.
In 2019, while on a search for a solution to their high volume of missed calls, the team at the Nova Derm Center for Dermo-Aesthetic and Laser came across BrainHi. Bryan Ortiz, Vice President of Operations at Nova Derm, knew that the business would need a customized solution given that they request a great deal of client information and offer a wide range of services across their three locations.
Over 1,000 missed calls a week
Given Nova Derm’s specific business needs, the Nova Derm team worked closely with BrainHi engineers to design a workflow that would benefit both NovaDerm clients and Novaderm staff: “We met on multiple occasions to brainstorming and define a process that I believed could work for us. From there, we implemented a solution that aligned with all of our goals,” shared Bryan Ortiz.
Now, over 10,000 missed phone calls have been rescued
“I know that BrainHi works - our return on investment has been positive,” according to Ortiz. In barely four months, BrainHi has coordinated more than 2,000 patient appointments and has recovered over 10,000 missed calls across NovaDerm’s three offices. “Before, there were thousands of people trying to call and they weren’t being attended to. Now, there are no cancelled appointments. The software is working and that’s what I care about the most. With BrainHi, we can now even automatically refer patients to the correct facility according to the service they request. Before, this scenario would cost us time through multiple phone calls and phone tag.”
"I’ve always known BrainHi’s service to be excellent. They worked with us until we could design the best processes for our business. That’s what makes them different from other companies. With BrainHi, we can give each of our patients the best customer service."
What BrainHi means to NovaDerm
¨I’ve always known BrainHi’s service to be excellent. They worked with us until we could design the best processes for our business. That’s what makes them different from other companies. With BrainHi, we can give each of our patients the best customer service. That wouldn’t have happened even with a call center. BrainHi is that extra help we need to make sure we don’t miss any communication with our new or existing clients.” concludes Bryan Ortiz.
Before Dr. Roy Kim and his patient care coordinator, Pari Alexander, started using BrainHi, they thought their follow up process with new and existing patients was more than sufficient. It wasn't until they implemented BrainHi into their plastic surgery practice that they realized how many people were slipping through their phone lines: "It wasn't until we got BrainHi that I could see how many missed calls we actually had. Now, we are able to rescue all of those missed calls even when we are meeting with other patients or out of the office during after-hours," says Pari.
According to Dr. Kim, "As a plastic surgeon, the patient is everything. With AI-powered 2-way texting, I am able to quickly give my patients access to frequently-asked questions 24/7. Patients of all types are used to texting, and BrainHi is bringing in more business because of the ability to text and answer fast."
"I would recommend BrainHi to any and all office staff because it really does help convert missed calls into new patients."
Additionally, BrainHi has made the administrative tasks for Dr. Kim's office less stressful. "It's nice to know that if I am with a patient and I missed a phone call, it's okay because I know that BrainHi has my back. The patient is not going to feel unheard or that we are too busy to deal with them. They remain our number one priority." shares Pari.
Since implementing BrainHi, Dr. Kim's office regularly rescues 15 missed calls per day. Further, because of the ease of the AI-powered texting feature, many of his patients no longer call the office and instead defer to texting through BrainHi every single time: "Patients are really excited about just sending a text to schedule an appointment or let us know they are on their way. BrainHi is a nice extension of myself."
When Dr. Cuprill of Orlando Holistic Dental Studio first considered BrainHi for his practice, he and his team noticed that his office's high volume of missed calls was a major obstacle to growing his practice.
Dr. Cuprill and his staff at the Orlando Holistic Dental Studio thought their missed call problem would be impossible to overcome, but when they learned about BrainHi they saw value in the product's automation. According to Dr. Cuprill, "Now, if we miss a call the automated receptionist picks up the missed calls and answers questions for the patients or alerts my staff to give them a call. All of this is done when my office is closed or when my staff is too busy to answer the phone whether on a call or with a patient."
"BrainHi helped me grow my practice because we can actually service everybody that calls, not just the calls we pick up."
Today, BrainHi rescues over 400 missed calls for Orlando Holistic Dental Studio each month and the product's 2-way texting feature allows the staff to communicate with all patients regarding treatment plans, appointment confirmations and rescheduling, and other patient needs. "BrainHi is like having a receptionist that is available 24/7 to serve my patients. BrainHi helped me grow my practice because we can actually service everybody that calls, not just the calls we pick up."