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Addressing Post-Pandemic Staffing Challenges in Dental Offices

Hiring is one of the main challenges dental practices face today, especially as they try to recover and rebuild in the wake of the Covid pandemic. Per the National Foundation of Independent Business' Chief Economist William Dunkelbeg: "A record-high 48% of small business owners in May (2021) reported unfilled job openings.” Moreover, a May (2021) poll from the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Health Policy Institute (HPI) showed that 70% of owner dentists found recruitment of admin staff to be very or extremely challenging.

The same HPI study found that 67% of Dental Practices that are actively recruiting have needed to increase pay rates post-pandemic to attract more applicants due to the shortage of candidates.

BrainHi & Dental Practices

Challenges present themselves during times like these for Dental Practices looking to grow and provide the best experience for their patients. Practices that stay nimble and adapt can use this opportunity to attract new patients and strengthen their relationships with their existing ones. That's where BrainHi comes in.

BrainHi is a 24/7 virtual assistance service for Dental Practices, which radically improves upon the classic answering service concept. The service leverages technology to provide the same level of integration with the practice’s current workflows as hiring a new full-time front-desk staff member but at a fraction of the cost. 

We help Dental Practices maintain a high quality of patient service through all types of critical moments, such as losing a staff member, processing an unprecedented amount of admin work and calls, or launching a new marketing campaign. Here are some of the other reasons why you should consider adding BrainHi to your team:

24/7 Support for Your Patients

How people work and how people buy goods and services are different. For example, studies show that online peak purchase time every day lies between 8pm and 9pm everyday. In other words, when given the option, people prefer to buy at night. However, most practices only offer support during business hours (i.e., 8am-5pm). Practices that use BrainHi offer support 24/7 to assist and book appointments for their patients.

Moreover, 24/7 availability is a differentiator that increases your practice’s production. That's why BrainHi customers see an average increase in appointments of 16.3% (this number might be higher for some practices with higher traffic, for example we booked 124 appointments for Dr. Spencer Joseph of Braces on 10 in Michigan last month). Ultimately, with BrainHi, your Dental Practice will suddenly be able to capture calls that you're currently missing, right from the start, preventing the loss of potential patients. 

Quality & Cost Savings

The answering service industry has received feedback in the past about lacking quality of service and high costs. The main reason for these shortcomings is the lack of tech adoption by call centers because it forces them to solely focus on pricing.When pricing is the only differentiator, quality starts to decrease.

BrainHi has addressed these limitations by building technology around the answering service agents which drastically improves efficiency. This helps reduce the cost for our customers, and we are still able to improve the experience for your patient base.

When a dental practice misses a call, BrainHi will send a text message immediately to the missed caller. The missed caller can then ask questions via text and receive live answers from real people assigned to your practice. Our team can even book appointments. 

As it turns out, 89% of consumers want to use messaging to communicate with businesses. Patients care most about being assisted right away, which is what BrainHi offers. Furthermore, texting gives more room to introduce automated responses without disrupting the patient experience. How many times do staff members have to answer questions such as  “where are you located”? Probably too many times. We created an automated assistant that answers repetitive questions, substantially decreasing costs and allowing us to pass those cost savings to the customer. Finally, text-based conversations make it really easy for your team to keep visibility and control over both the patient experience and BrainHi’s performance.

Scaling without Hiring

Close to 70% of job postings for front desk receptionists on Indeed.com have been posted for over 2 weeks, whereas it takes just a few hours to work with our implementation team to have BrainHi's service up and running in your practice. 

BrainHi's service offers you unlimited scale. Need to double your team in a few days? No worries, BrainHi has you covered. We make sure we have assigned enough live agents to your practice in order to guarantee an immediate response time. 

More about BrainHi

BrainHi offers a modern take on the classic answering service concept. We rescue your missed calls with a combination of artificial intelligence technology—backed by bilingual human live agents—to provide the most complete and cost-effective answering service in the market. BrainHi is a true extension of your staff, and can even book appointments for you. We not only rescue your missed calls, but also engage with patients that visit your website, converting your website visitors into new patients.

Learn how BrainHi can add appointments for your dental practice. 
